About Me

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I am a photography enthusiast and have been getting better acquainted with this art form for several years. I enjoy all sorts of photography and take pride in capturing a person's smile during a special event, or an intricate detail of a butterfly. Please peruse my images and enjoy!
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Saturday, May 4, 2013

Change is in the air

First things first, winter finally seems like it has bid us farewell for another season... spring is upon us and the sun is showing up more often... I love this time of year. More opportunities to be outside and enjoy the blue skies and soft breezes and agitating allergies.. haha just kidding... but really, when spring and summer finally roll around I breathe a huge sigh of relief after getting through yet another frigid winter.

In mid March I went on my first road trip with a few lovely ladies. We packed up my mom's Ford Taurus, filled it up with gas and picked up some caffeinated beverages from Starbucks for the first leg of our journey down to the Big Easy.We stayed one night in Nashville and it was a riot. We ate BBQ pulled pork, drank some local brews and bar hopped rockin' out to live music. The vibe in Nashville is awesome and the crowds were energetic and full of zest for St. Patrick's day. The next morning we made the rest of our way to New Orleans. In the car we played some games, had tons of sing alongs and gossiped like school girls. Surprisingly  on the way down or back there were no cat fights. That can be attributed to the fact that we are all super laid back chicks. In New Orleans our time was action packed. Overall we went on a really interesting plantation tour, a brewery tour, a walking tour of the Garden District/Cemetery, a swamp tour (I got to hold a baby alligator... so cool), and probably other things I'm now forgetting. We ate tons of local dishes and had a great time altogether. We did encounter a really disgusting hostel, where we discovered a bed bug infestation. That situation certainly spiced up our trip as well... at the time it was a mess but now looking back it is kind of hilarious. I took tons of photos and made some great memories... I would definitely go on another road trip in the future and have gained a new found appreciation for the States themselves.


The FIS call center in Milwaukee is shutting down. This means that I am without a job possibly as soon as July. Most likely the closure will not be until November... so hopefully I will have a secure position until that time. Most people are looking at this closure as a negative situation but I am sooo excited by the prospects. All employees are able to post out for jobs in any of the 100 countries where FIS is located. If you know me, this is right up my alley. At this time, though... I'm doing some soul searching... I really don't know where I want to end up. Options include anywhere from Florida to Vietnam. Lots of thinking to do in that respect, but I am optimistic that something will work out. If not, there's a nice severance package included and the company is not going to fight unemployment.. so I could end up enjoying a nice little vacation until I decide what my next move is. Either way, I am very interested in getting out of Dodge. I'm going stir crazy here... I need change and I need it SOON!


I'm newly single. I'm doing alright with this... it was not my choice at first... but I have decided that it is most definitely for the best. I am very ambitious and I have desires to get outta here so a relationship with a person who doesn't quite yet know what they want to do with themselves would complicate things. I'm the type of person that can make a decision and move with it, I'm not saying I have all the answers by any means but I am definitely not afraid to take a chance and do something different. He is still doing some soul searching and so, my inquiries were seeming to be nit picking to him. That isn't how I want to come across in a relationship so being single is a better option. Overall, I learned a lot and I know what sorts of behaviors I will not tolerate and which ones are acceptable to me. I learned that there needs to be a happy medium with partying  and drinking and that I would like someone who will be on the same page as me. I also learned that I have a huge heart and that I am so open to discussion and communication and making positive changes toward a better union so I know that my future relationships will benefit from these discoveries also. I was sad for a few days, but I'm already feeling better. The feeling of love doesn't just go away, but looking at the relationship from an objective outside perspective I have realized that there were instances I was definitely blinded by the emotions of love. I know what I deserve and reflecting on these things is important. I also know what I offer and that is a great thing to be aware of, as well. My friends and family have been wonderful and supportive while I have been processing this break up and I am very thankful for that. It's just very odd to have checked into the Heartbreak Hotel for the first time at the age of 25. It hurts like hell, but the best thing is that it can only get better with time. :)


With all of that being said, I'm going to go put on a hot pair of skinny jeans, throw some luscious curls in my hair, gloss on some sassy lipstick and slip on a pair of high heels. I have a hot date tonight with Ms. Sarah and we are going to get our dance on. ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3rd, 2013

I've got a coffee in hand, a little Fitz & the Tantrums humming in the background, and I'm about to delve into an entry trying to wrap up the last 5 months of my life. They have really flown. It's totally true what "they" say... as you age, your time blurs more and more... the last time I wrote it was August and there was a little excitement buzzing surrounding the start of a new Fall semester and a new job and a blossoming relationship.

This Fall semester was a time of revelation for me... as I was sitting in one of my Education classes going over the syllabus with the professor I had a minor panic attack realizing that I could not see myself following through on a degree in Education.. I realized that I just wasn't as passionate about it as my fellow classmates were. On the way home from school that night I decided to drop out of the School of Education and focus my energies on French instead. 

I made a meeting with Anita, my French academic counselor, to discuss my degree requirements. As fate would have it, I was waiting in the hallway for my aforementioned rendez-vous when Larry (Anita's husband and also French director) walked by. He said hey and asked what I was up to.. I explained and he invited me into his office. He asked if I was in the market for a new job and I pondered the thought for a moment and said sure, what have you got in mind... he gave me details on a position at FIS Global. The position would consist of providing customer service in English and French. I liked the idea but didn't really think it would go anywhere... a few days later he emailed me and asked if he could forward my information to the recruiter of the company. That same day I received a call from the recruiter asking me to come in for an interview the very next day. I was hired the next day and scheduled to start training 2 weeks later. Since then, I have been promoted twice. I started as a CSR 1 and was quickly asked to take a position as a CSR III.. taking Escalation and Support calls. A few weeks ago I was asked to take a position as a Team Lead. I accepted and am very excited for the responsibilities of this new role. I'll be doing coachings and quality assurance in place of being on the phones so much... :) and I'm still using French on a daily basis which is fantastic, too!

In May I'll be graduating with a Bachelor's degree in French and a minor in Global Studies. I'm really happy with this decision and I'm excited to be finishing up with my undergrad. I don't know where I'll end up or what I will end up doing in the long run but I am happy with the opportunities that have been presented in the past several months and I look forward to continuing with FIS Global!!

My relationship with Jesse is still going awesomely. I am head over heels in love with this man and have had a fantastic six months getting to know him. We are still so great together and we have lots of goals and ideas for the future. We have so much fun together and that is what matters most. This holiday season we were both super crazy busy with work but we still managed to fit in some time for a jaunt through Enchantment in the Park, a lovely time at the "A Christmas Carol" production at the Pabst Theatre and also an amazing concert at the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. Jesse got me a PURPLE GUITAR for Christmas... I'm so so so excited to start lessons with him... from what I hear, he's a very patient teacher (which is totally going to be a necessity with me as a pupil.. ;)) 

It was wonderful spending time with family over the holidays and meeting more of Jesse's extended family, as well. We rang in the new year by making some dinner and playing Clue.. I was soundly asleep by 12:05 but am happy to say that I participated in the ritualistic countdown for the dawning of the new year! Quite a change from last year's fiasco... !!!

In 2013 I look forward to taking more photos, capturing more special moments, and expanding on my creativity behind the lens. I look forward to MAKING more memories with the people I love. I look forward to discovering more about myself and becoming an even more self assured woman. I look forward to spending time in the kitchen developing more delicious concoctions. I look forward to basking in good health as I dive back into a work out routine. I look forward to creating new synapses in my brain as I take on the challenge of learning guitar. I look forward to hearing more giggles and seeing exciting shows and traveling to new places and eating and drinking and dancing and singing with reckless abandon. I have high hopes for this year and am excited as allllllll get out! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I'm so happy. I just sat here pondering for a few minutes about what could make my life better at this very moment and I haven't come up with an answer... I'm full of contentment right now and that's such an awesome feeling. It's definitely not always easy to seek out the positives in life and I think it's an act that needs a certain cultivation but when it clicks things just fall into place. I have been working at CapTel in Milwaukee since the end of July and I am happy to say that I really like my job. It's extremely flexible and there's freedom to do homework or other miscellaneous things during my down time. I also became a lia sophia advisor this summer which is an endeavor I am very excited about, as well! I think once I do my first few parties it will be a very successful little side project. I love their pieces and think I should have no trouble promoting them! :D

School starts up again next week and I'm not sure I'm totally ready for the structure I'm about to be thrown into. 18 credits is a lot to handle but I think I'm a fully capable woman of successfully juggling all the essential aspects of my life. Caffeine is going to be my trusty side kick, I can say that for sure.

In the love department I am thrilled to announce that things are still going strong with Jesse. We are awesome together and I just love it. It's so cool to finally understand what it's like to be blissfully happy and content with another human being. We just keep continuing to figure each other out and it has been a lot of fun. He makes me laugh like I've never laughed before... his wit is hilarious and he's the best joke teller I've ever met. It's amazing when you find the right person... conversations span from politics and international affairs to silly made up songs. It's also amazing when it's so easy... I know that relationships definitely take work but they shouldn't take THAT much work if it's supposed to be. I've learned a lot by being with Jesse and that's what is exciting to me... he challenges me in great ways and I him... we're very compatible and it's radical.

This week has been cool... took some senior pictures on Tuesday, taught some French last night and today I'm going to be hanging out in the kitchen.. ;)

So excited that fall is right around the corner... I love all autumn activities and cannottttttttt wait to make pumpkin soup again.... my mouth is watering just thinking about it! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Oohhhh it's been sooooo long

It's sweltering outside and only a little cooler inside as I write this reactivation blog entry. God, it's been forever. It's not that I haven't had fantastic things to write about... I suppose you could say that I fell off the wagon in the middle of February... I'm trying to reattach myself to this little past time, so here goes nothing. I ended up finishing the spring semester with a 3.87... I know... why couldn't I have given it a bit more gusto for the perfect 4.0... well, I wanted to have a life also and I'm rather content with the outcome.

After school ended I went on a fabulous vacation to St. Maarten with my family. It was a week long hedonistic indulgence spree and it was AWESOME. What more can a person ask for than delicious dinners, cold drinks, hot white sand and refreshing turquoise water?? I say nothing. It was a lovely 8 days spent with the people closest to me. 

I'm dating someone new. His name is Jesse and he is absolutely wonderful. He is the yin to my yang, the butter to my popcorn, the peanut butter to my jelly, the salt to my pepper, the cheese to my macaroni... ok ok ok, you get it. He's great, and I'm really happy. We like to get ourselves into lots of mischief and have tons of fun in the mean time. 

Aside from all of that interesting news, I helped put flames out on a burning building last week. Felt a lot like a hero. Perhaps I'll publish that story at a later date, for now, though, I am heading to the store for some ice cream and a flick. It's good to be back!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tell him Samir says "Halloo"

I am about to watch The Hangover 2 with my parents. Yeah, my parents are quite hip. I never feel shame in laughing along with any of the vulgar or crude jokes that coincide with today’s comedies. I relish in them; my parents know that I am a perv at heart. We have a great relationship.
I am also drinking a Fat Tire; I figure I deserve it. There’s really no reason why I don’t deserve it, so that is my logic. J
Today was a good day, as Ice Cube would say. I had class this afternoon and chose a research topic for a presentation that I will be doing in my Contemporary France class. I chose Simone Beck. This particular personnage happens to be a woman after my own heart… equipped with a love for food and writing, she rallied up with Julia Child and Louisette Bertholle to create the cookbook entitled “Mastering the Art of French Cooking.” She also anchored the creation of a cooking school with these two fine women: “L’école de Trois Gourmandes.” As you can see, I am excited about this project and am anxious to see what else I can figure out about this woman. I admire the fact that all three women previously mentioned were farrrr into their “middle ages” before finding out exactly what made them tick. Suffice it to say that passion comes through in mysterious ways… so follow yours.
After class I came home and went to spinning. This is a little shout to Mr. Jeffrey Iding. Speaking of passion, take a class with him, you will realize that he has it for cycling. I felt honored tonight because Jeff made the majority of his music routine to songs that I have recently posted on Facebook. That makes me so happy because it’s evident that he pays attention to what I write/post. Overall, his classes kick ass, they make me sweat, and they are fun. SO, IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD WORKOUT-CHECK IT OUT. Spinning has honestly been an amazing addition to any type of workout regimen I had going on before. Ok, that was my infomercial for the day!

Last weekend was a wonderful time for me. Friday night I got my Victor Hugo quote tattoo touched up with Stephanie. After, we decided to play a little game. The rules: stop at the first bar we see and have a drink. We ended up at a little martini bar and it turned out to be a cute place; morale of the story is that I would go back. I had a martini named Dazed and Infuzed… it was full of tequila and … something else. J
The car ride from West Bend back to Erin was a blast. We cranked the music and sang as loud as we could. I love Stephanie.
After that we went to the Erin Inn for a few more drinks. We played Brown Sugar by the Stones and of course, American Pie.
Saturday was also an eventful day. I went grocery shopping with my mom (happens to be one of my favorite hobbies… the word is hobby, rather than chore!!) Saturday night I went out with some girls for a birthday party. We went to Taylor’s, a nice bar in Milwaukee. Rhea—if you are reading this, know that one of your co-workers (I think her name was Erin) came up to me and asked if I was your roommate from Paris! How cute is that!!
After, a little intimate party led me to my crush’s apartment. We drank some wine with other friends and enjoyed good conversation until 5am.
The next morning, said crush went to breakfast with his brothers and was sweet and thoughtful enough to bring me an omelette. Sunday night had a really great dinner at my house with my parents and my little interest. On the menu was venison tenderloin (marinated for over 24 hours), parmesan mashed potatoes, scalloped corn, zucchini/tomato casserole, bacon wrapped chestnuts and a dessert enshrined “Died and Gone to Heaven”. It was a lovely dinner and a perfect evening to relax before a busy week. Things are going swimmingly.
This Friday is my birthday. I’m turning 24. I’m excited, but I get excited about everything. The plan is to go to La Chimenea for Mexican food. Can’t wait.
Overall, I’ve learned so much about myself in the past 6 months. I have really grown into a woman and I am proud of myself. Having single time, and time in Paris I have been able to look at the present and future and see what I need in my life. I have really analyzed what I want and what I don’t want and think I have a really great grasp on it. I know what makes me happy, what motivates me, and what is important to me.
I feel positive and happy. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Breakfast burritos

This first paragraph is going to be a tribute to breakfast burritos. I learned this morning that they are not as simple to make as they appear. I woke up with a hankering for something containing eggs and cheese, and as I was scanning the refrigerator I noticed tortillas and salsa. I thought to myself, what a fabulous idea... a breakfast burrito--should be easy enough. Well.... what I ended up consuming was not an authentic burrito à la breakfast, but it was edible. So, I give credit to the chefs out there that can make a stupendous concoction out of a flour tortilla, eggs, cheese, salsa and onions.... moving on.

This past week marked the start to the Spring 2012 semester at UW-Milwaukee. I am going to be taking 15 credits altogether... 4 classes of French and a history requirement that I've been putting off. It is going to be quite an interesting and labor intensive semester but I'll get through it. I am finding that my French vocabulary has already been challenged and is growing, which I am happy about! :) My French history class is my favorite so far. Je crois que je dois commencer à "blogger" en francais... peut-être la prochaine fois.


Just because school has started does not mean that my social life has diminished... au contraire... I am fluttering effortlessly between school and une vie sociale. Monday night I ate some Thai food with a dashing young man (perhaps more details to follow at a later date). That same night I was conversing with Jenna Bruckner, and she suggested that we go to Arizona for spring break in March. Without hesitation I said yeah, so we booked our flights right away. I can't wait to travel with her! I'm also excited to go to Arizona. The state holds a particular allure... I think it has to do with a sense of outdoors and adventure. I can't wait to see the Grand Canyon and I knowwwww that my camera and I are going to have a field day capturing the intensity of the red rock.

Um, my mind is alllllll over the place tonight... I had so many creative ideas about what to write about this afternoon and I should have jotted them down because this particular entry has NO cohesiveness... soo, follow me and my scattered thoughts......

So, I guess, going back to this dashing young man. I have a crush for the first time in ages, and let me tell you that I am having SO much fun. He's everything that I am looking for in a person. Just know I'm giddy. That's all.

Anyway... I'm going to wrap it up here...

Funniest moment of the day: French class with Allan (HI ALLAN!!), I raised my hand and whispered to him "AHHHH yesssss my armpits smell like TAHITI!" He heard, "My armpits smell like DIGNITY!" thinking that I was commenting on my sweat glands and their power.. lol. No, Allan, my deodorant smells like a tropical island, that's all I was getting at :) anyway, it was hilarious.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nothing but a grandddddd time

First, I have to put it out there, that blogging is awesome. Case in point: Rose and Rhea landed housing thanks to my last entry. It turned out that another duo of American students had recently had their two roommates tell them they were moving for cheaper rent… leaving them scrambling to find two replacement roommates… One of the roommates read my entry and realized that Rose and Rhea were essentially homeless… so, Rhea and Rose jumped on the opportunity and have signed their lease. They’ll be living at Place de Clichy which is REALLY close to where our old apartment was. So, I am very happy for them, but continue to miss them daily!

It’s amazing how close people can become after such a short amount of time. They are really sisters to me, rather than friends. (Lauren, don’t you dare worry, I’m going to write an entry JUST for you!) So yes, Rose and Rhea… we went through lots of beautiful situations together and I want you two to know that I appreciate all of the love you have both shown me. I can’t wait to reunite in Milwaukee this summer!!
My journey home from Paris was really calm and relaxing until the last leg of my flight from Chicago to Milwaukee. My patience was severely being tested by delay after delay but I finally did walk out from the little hopper plane victoriously. My parents were (patiently) waiting for me and grinned as soon as they saw me walking up the ramp towards them. We hugged and I proceeded to get a skinny white chocolate mocha. We drove home and then ate pizza and drank beer.

My adjustment back to this particular time zone took some time but now I’m sleeping like a baby.
My social life has been exploding since I came home and I am loving every minute of it. I have been catching up with wonderful friends and reuniting with people I haven’t been in touch with for quite some time. My wings as a social butterfly are getting a great workout now that I am home to the motherland! J
Getting re-established has been a bit of a challenge. I sold my wonderful 2008 Kia Optima and quit my two jobs before leaving for Paris, but that’s ok! At this point, I’m just looking for a beater—SO, if anyone knows of any vehicles being sold for under a grand… let a sister know! As far as jobs go, I’ve applied for lots but this morning went to breakfast at Perc Place and Cynthia, the owner, demanded that I come back and serve tables… I couldn’t resist. I love Perc Place and that coffee shop will forever hold a wonderfully special spot in my heart. So, I will probably start this week… let the caffeine high commence!

This past weekend was Alyssa Hultman’s birthday party and I am so happy that I was able to participate in the festivities. We rented a party bus and ended up going to Lucille’s, Red Rock Saloon, Coyote Ugly and Buckhead’s. I had a great time and danced my buns off! A new friend came out to join me and we had lots of fun together too….. :)

Overall, I am soooo happy to be home. Life is good. REALLLY good. I am feeling so optimistic and happy. Coming home after a semester was definitely the right move for me, and that decision does not discount ANY of the wonderful experiences I encountered while in Paris. School at UW-Miwaukee starts tomorrow and I am more than ready for that challenge, as well. I have lost 5 pounds since getting home so that is also a move in a positive direction!

Favorite moment from the day: My mom and I were riding in the car, “Nothin’ but a good time” by Poison comes on the radio… I stop mid sentence and crank the volume… we air drum, guitar and sing until the end of that glorious song. The title of the song pretty much signifies my outlook on life right now. So, I wish you all nothing but a good time with whatever endeavors you are chasing… enjoy the ride people, it goes fast! And while you're at it... enjoy Bret's feathered hair and glamorous make-up! ;)